Nightmare flower

There’s not enough coffee in the pantry
to poison the nightmare flower
growing inside my mind this Monday morning –
a menacing thought blooms in shadows.

What phantoms creep in darkness,
wakeful vigils watching
through keyholes while moonless skies sway
then give way
to the quiet sun cheering for someone to hear?

The sun is too loud.

She dropped the seeds in my ear while I was sleeping
then evaporated, leaving me
a farmer diluted, hosing my brain with
caffeine while my wetter winks paint sorrow
in neat rows not yet tilled.

What blossom sprouts in dejection,
rotten and unwanted
I sit wishing the sun would retreat or retract
or simply retrace its steps in reverse?

Phillip Knight Scott | © 2019

Submitted for Christine’s Daily Writing Prompt : “Nightmare flower”

Written for Sunday’s Whirligig 235 : keyhole, hear, menace, sleeping, phantoms, swaying, cheer, creep, wetter, quiet, winks

Submitted for dVerse Poets Pub. Lillian asked for treats … though this may be more of a trick?

Published by Phillip Knight Scott

My name is Phillip. I am a Tar Heel born and bred and watch every Yankees game I can. I'm still searching for my own TARDIS. My first novel, "The Alien in the Backseat," is available now!

34 thoughts on “Nightmare flower

  1. oooooh…..a new take on an “ear worm”! Oh yes…… to drown out the ideas planted in our brains….a loud sun that awakens the negative thoughts. Nightmare flower indeed.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. such an impressive line – the sun is too loud. And I know others have already remarked on this but your whole weaving of the nightmare morning with coffee speaks volumes:
    “hosing my brain with
    caffeine while my wetter winks paint sorrow
    in neat rows not yet tilled.”

    Liked by 1 person

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