My eBook collection is FREE today

So I collected some poems into a book which you can download for free today and tomorrow on Amazon. That comes out to an average of $0/poem. Download, read, and leave a review please please please! A few stars or words can go a long way 🙂

(Or if you’re feeling particularly generous, buy it in paperback)

With humor, foresight, and rarely hidden effort, Phillip Knight Scott dares to ask important, existential questions in his first collection of poems. There may be few answers in PAINT THE LIVING, PLANT THE DEAD – indeed the whole thing is a bit absurd – but sometimes asking the questions can be enough. What is the point of life? Why is my hair gray? Where are my keys? These poems won’t answer these questions, but you’ll at least have something to read on your way to wherever you end up.

Published by Phillip Knight Scott

My name is Phillip. I am a Tar Heel born and bred and watch every Yankees game I can. I'm still searching for my own TARDIS. My first novel, "The Alien in the Backseat," is available now!

12 thoughts on “My eBook collection is FREE today

      1. 😂😂I finished it and loved it – went to write an amazon review but couldn’t because of course its free and I haven’t spent enough money on Amazon because I usually read apple I book store books (where I have spent plenty) you have a different style to me – we can only write how it comes out but I did enjoy it and once I have spent some money on Amazon I will go back and write a review. I have a book out on Amazon too – are you an indie and if so how are you finding it?


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